Jobs is a four letter word... so is cash and so are... "dark" and "side"!
You want to be rich? The shortcut is easy to find in order to get there... But there will literally be *hell* to pay later on - one day! You can be sure of that! But hey - in the meantime you'll be rich and that is all that matters to materialistic, temporal short-sighted business peeps - rrrrright?Be a Steve Jobs. (And scroll down to see him "join the dark side" - it was caught on video, apparently... Must be the work of Intel-ligence!)
Be a Steve Forbes!
Be a Steve... Oops, ran out of Rich Steves already!
Be a Bill Gates then!
Be a Donald Trump!
Worse still - be a V.K. McMahon!
Be soulless - be ruthless - be on top!
Be headed for the pit too - but that is only for later on!
Just think of the level of credit that you'll have though!
Well worth the price of eternal damnation - is it not?
If you believe so, then by all means go right ahead and enjoy!
Enjoy - the now and the hereafter! Enjoy now - suffer later! Sounds like economical talk, but it really isn't... 'Cause this will never be tax-deductible and evading THIS will truly be IMPOSSIBLE - baby! They have tougher verification methods up there than the IRS, see...
But if you don't believe me - go ahead and sign up for the get-rich-quick schemes...
You may even click on this button right here:

See if I care!
(By the way - I think the grrl in the ad is giving you the salute -
the finger - you know!!!)
Labels: Quick Cash, Sign Up Now
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