if not exactly "lucrative" per say...
- or your political career!
Yulia Tymoshenko was Viktor Yushchenko's political ally
-then his political rival-
and, now, his most precious political ally again
and only hope of winning in the upcoming elections!
This is not exclusive to Ukrainian politics, of course:
twists and turns like these can and will happen
in politics and in various fields
aaaaaaaaaaall over...
But who is Yulia, you ask?
(''Ioulia'' is the French media spelling...)
(And forget about Viktor now -
his case is too complex for this greedy blog;
it is meant for another blog entirely:
most probably the lambasting one!)
Well, then, here is a little bit
about Yulia...
"Le mouvement du président pro-occidental
Viktor Iouchtchenko
traîne désormais dans les sondages,
et pourrait ne devoir sa survie aux législatives
qu'à l'appui in extremis
de la formation de son ancienne alliée,
puis rivale, (et de nouveau alliée)
Yulia has done her fair share of puckering up,
as you can have, surely, imagined...
starting with Viktor, absolutely...
It is done worldwide and a zillion times over!
Yulia can testify of that...
And Viktor too.
So, word to the wise:
shut up
and pucker up!
Labels: Iulia - Ioulia - let's call the whole thing off, Yulia really
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