A Tale Of Two Citizens...
"There is nothing so comfortable as money, - but nothing so defiling if it be come by unworthily; nothing so comfortable, but nothing so noxious if the mind be allowed to dwell upon it constantly. If a man have enough, let him spend it freely. If he wants it, let him earn it honestly."
- Anonymous
"Well, you are so WRONG, Anon moron!
And here is why:
MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS of unworthy LOTTERY WINNERS didn't do jack-squat to "earn" the dough they were awarded; they didn't do a THING to "prove" to be "worthy" of this great "honor" of being showered with all this abundance of CASH...
They do not feel "defiled" by it, hence - quite obviously! AT ALL!
And stock-holders; they do not feel noxious because of having to dwell upon the monetary value of each stock option they own as much as they feel nauseating due to the extremely volatile nature of the stock market itself!
Advising people to spend freely is MORONIC TO THE MAX - what about saving for a rainy day and/or saving for your eventual heirs?
As for earning it HONESTLY - the majority does that already: and they are being inducted into legalized slavery in doing so! Exploited by employers, underpaid, taxed by their damnable governments through their EARS - that's not being "honest" - subjecting yourself to this is only being PASSIVE and IDIOTIC!
Curse capitalism, curse materialism and hurray for ANARCHY - I say!"
- Anarchist Anon
I'll say that GOD Wanted ALL of His Children to have EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEIR NEEDS... AND DREAMS... SEEN TO and FULLY REALIZED.
GOD only allowed Man to toil and work hard in order to obtain all that he needed to survive and live happily ever after AFTER the Original Sin of Disobedience created a rift between GOD and Man - a rift only breached by Christ.
And, as Christ Said, "do not worry about what you will eat tomorrow - the birds do not worry and the Lord Provides for them. If He Provides for them, He Will Provide for you too, you who are so much more important to Creation."
Nothing there about "free-spending" and "toiling hard for your wages" or even "saving" and "earning" - because, in Our Father's Eyes, we are all "worthy"
And He Sees better -with true 20/20 Vision- than any Anons out there...!
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