Tuesday, May 02, 2017
$how me the money...!!! $$$ Ye$$$ $ir! $$$$$$$$
Money does not bring happiness, though - raising a fortune won't equate bliss, EVER!
No, folks, cash does not bring joie de vivre... But it does make everything more comfortable!
However, you must know this:
Money isn't real; it's man's invention!
Pain is real - pain and other 4-letter words...
About Me
- Name: Luminous (\ô/) Luciano™
Born in the Age of Aquarius, destined to seek out truths in many an art form, trained as a historian and a journalist but truly a prose-lover... Luciano is out to dispel any clichés and reinvent them all both to the tune of a little something called the truth as also to his own image - and being old-fashioned, he does not mind that distinction one infinitesimal tiny bit at all...! "There are two ways to spread the light; be the candle... or the mirror that reflects It." I have chosen to be the latter... okay? ~*~ "To be not only a seeker of light... but a dream weaver of light" ~*~ For as surely as the moon reflects the light from the sun, you and I can reflect the Light from Above - and be, indeed, the light of this world! ~*~*~*~ NOTE: THERE ARE COOKIES ~ from at least three parties~ ON ALL OF MY BLOGS! ~*~ accept it!
Previous Posts
- Miscellaneous Ways
- Attic Crap = Moolah$$$
- Stop Being Scared To Make Money!!!
- Gotta Make Some DOUGH - DOH!
- Laborious Day... Eh
- Trading Like A Pro!
- You were just born yesterday and you want to make ...
- And now for a bit of Economic News...
- CASH PER SMS - wow!
- Who said there was no life after HOCKEY?Several NH...

One has to wonder, also...
How much are the faceless ones taking, as severance pay...?
And then...
How much will it be for those who actually have the courage to show their faces still...???
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